Journal of Economic Development and Village Building

Journal of Economic Development and Village Building, Vol. 1 No. 1, March 2023, P-ISSN : ��.. E-ISSN :

Sebuah gambar berisi teks

Deskripsi dibuat secara otomatis




Helmi Marogia,1, Eef Saefullaha, 2, Wasmana,3

aIAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Cirebon City, Indonesia

1 [email protected]




The purposes of this research are: to (1) Acknowledege marketing strategy of the Pawon Catering business; (2) Knowing the marketing effectiveness of Pawon Catering business; (3) Knowing the obstacles faced by Pawon Catering in conducting marketing. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method that focuses on the MSME sector with the type of halal food, namely the catering business, with data collection techniques namely observation, interviews, and documentation techniques to Mrs. Lis as the founder of the business and her employees. Data analysis techniques were carried out in four stages, namely: analysis, reduction, display, and concluding. The results of this study indicate that the Pawon Catering business is running effectively, this is focused on the marketing strategy carried out where the marketing strategy has developed and increased because it utilizes technological aspects and the use of social media to attract the interest of potential consumers so that people become interested in using these products. Therefore, in terms of business, Pawon Catering is an effective business and has benefits for the surrounding community. This research is expected to be useful for the community and business actors in adding insight into the economy.

Keywords: Business Marketing Strategy, Effectiveness, MSMEs.


Manuscript received 2023-02-22; revised 2023-03-06.; accepted 2023-03-07 Date of publication 2023-03-08.

Journal of Economic Development and Village Building is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License.




MSMEs as small-scale businesses are currently the focus of the government's attention because every year they continue to experience development and are believed to be able to make a sizable contribution to the Indonesian economy. In this case, the role of government is needed to realize national stability. Efforts that can be made by the government are to pay more attention to and make appropriate policies so that MSMEs can grow more rapidly (Safitri, 2019).

In this case, MSMEs can become a business activity that can expand employment and can provide broad economic services to the community, and can play a role in the process of equity and increasing people's income. This is one of the main pillars of the national economy which must get the main opportunity, support, protection, and development as wide as possible. One of the strategies carried out by the government in supporting economic development is to empower and grow Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as the basis for people's economic development (Oktaviana, 2018).

Increasingly widespread competition causes the need for a marketing strategy that can keep the business growing. For a company to be successful, the company must do its job beyond competitors in satisfying target consumers. So, the marketing strategy must be adjusted according to consumer needs and the needs of competitors' strategies by designing a competitive marketing strategy starting with analyzing competitors, a strategy is needed, especially in a business world that is full of competition, so a very important strategy is then called a marketing strategy (Mastuti, 2021).

The importance of strategy in business development where the strategy relates to the strengths and opportunities used by a company to gain competitive advantage in every business. An appropriate development strategy will provide consistent direction and orientation stability to adapt to the environment and strategies to develop the business (Sudrajat, 2020).

Regulations related to catering businesses according to the law are regulated in Number 18/PMK.010/2015 which explains that the Criteria for Catering or Catering Services are included in types of services that are not subject to value-added tax. The regulation explains that catering or catering services are types of services that are not subject to Value Added Tax (Ministry of Finance, 2022).

In this case, you can see the development of the Pawon Catering Business based on the financial reports from November 2021 to October 2022 as follows.

Table 1. Income Financial Statements


Gross Income

Net Income


Rp. 8.689.000

Rp. 4.000.000


Rp. 8.500.000

Rp. 4.300.000


Rp. 8.440.000

Rp. 4.450.000


Rp. 8.400.000

Rp. 4.400.000


Rp. 7.500.000

Rp. 3.400.000


Rp. 8.450.000

Rp. 4.630.000


Rp. 8.600.000

Rp. 4.260.000


Rp. 8.650.000

Rp. 4.300.000


Rp. 7.690.000

Rp. 3.650.000


Rp. 9.335.000

Rp. 5.200.000


Rp. 27.000.000

Rp. 9.800.000


Rp. 9.500.000

Rp. 5.150.000

(Source: Mrs. Lis' Pawon Catering financial report)

Based on the financial data above, it can be seen that the Pawon catering business has not decreased, this business can be said to be stable. The greatest income was obtained in October when the business received orders for the birthday of the Prophet in the village of Kalitengah, then in September it experienced an increase, according to Mrs. Lis the large income was due to the catering business getting orders for weddings so that income increased. Then it was seen that the following month the business stabilized and returned to revenue of 8 million. Even though the business has decreased, the decline was not drastic and was considered a stable figure.

Based on research conducted by Laeliyah (2017) which states that the catering business which is a business opportunity creates conditions for increased competition, of course it encourages increasingly fierce business competition, thus making a business including the culinary business in an easy position to lose competitiveness.

In the Pawon catering business where the marketing is still very simple, such as not using social media in marketing its products so the sales area coverage in the market is still relatively small and has not developed far. This makes the catering business less competitive than the catering business in the area around Kalitengah Village, not only that in the catering business, it can also be said that many people run the business so if Mrs. Lis's Pawon Catering business cannot maximize marketing strategies and cannot innovate properly well then the business will experience a decrease to business losses. If the marketing strategy is not by the business being carried out, the strategy will also bring new problems to its business activities.

Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher is interested in conducting further research on Entrepreneurship and Halal Products with the topic of Marketing Strategy for Halal Products with the object of research being the Catering Food Business, where the object runs a halal product business. The purposes of this research are: to (1) Know the marketing strategy of the Pawon Catering business; (2) Knowing the marketing effectiveness of Pawon Catering business; (3) Knowing the obstacles faced by Pawon Catering in conducting marketing.

Research that is relevant to this research is the first research by Mastuti, (2021). The results of this study were the implementation of the marketing mix strategy using 4P, product, price, place, and promotion. The number of sales is currently still fluctuating and has not fully developed. The similarity of this research lies in the type of research that is qualitative and discusses business marketing strategies with catering objects. The difference in this research lies in not seeing that the catering business does not use social media facilities but only assimilates to the surrounding community.

Next is Reza et al., (2022) research. The results of this study indicate that the business of Angkringan Mbah Darsih restaurant products uses halal ingredients. The Angkringan Mbah Darsih restaurant in presenting its products is by sharia marketing values, namely trustworthiness, namely by serving halal products. So that customers of Angkringan Mbah Darsih believe that the products offered are by their wishes. The similarity of this research lies in the type of research that is qualitative and discusses business marketing strategies in the field of food. The difference in this research lies in the object which is not a catering business.

Next is Lastina & Sunarni, (2019) research. The results showed that Catering Mpok Atiek before the implementation of the improvements was 1.0886 and productivity after the implementation of the improvements was 1.1580, it was seen that there was an increase in daily productivity of 0.0698 or the equivalent of 6.98%. Meanwhile, the total productivity of MSME Catering Mpok Atiek before the implementation of the improvements was 1.1871 and the total productivity after the implementation of the improvements was 1.3173, from which it was seen that there was an increase in productivity of 0.1302 or equivalent to 13.02%. The similarity of this research lies in the type of research that is qualitative and discusses business marketing strategies with catering objects. The difference in this study lies in the research model which is canvas & phenomena.

As for the benefits for the community in this research regarding MSMEs to increase knowledge related to various businesses that will be carried out by many groups and add insight into the economy. As for Pawon catering business actors, it is hoped that this can be used as input in overcoming the level of problems related to MSME empowerment and the economy so that they can benefit from a strategy for business development.



MSME definition

Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are businesses that refer to productive economic enterprises and are owned by individuals or business entities in accordance with the criteria stipulated by Law no. 20 of 2008. UMKM has its own meaning, namely: (1) Micro Enterprises are productive businesses owned by individuals and/or individual business entities that meet the criteria for Micro Enterprises as stipulated in this Law; (2) A small Business as referred to in Law No. 9 of 1995 is a small-scale productive business and meets the criteria for a maximum net worth of IDR. 200,000,000.00 (two hundred million rupiahs) excluding land and buildings for business premises; (3) Medium Enterprises in Law no. 20 of 2008 is a productive economic enterprise that stands alone, which is carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries or branches of companies that are owned, controlled, or become a part either directly or indirectly with small businesses or large businesses with a total net worth or annual sales proceeds as stipulated in the Act (Hasanah, 2019).

Micro, small, and medium enterprises are business activities capable of expanding employment opportunities and providing broad economic services to the community and can play a role in the process of equity and increasing people's income, encourage economic growth, and play a role in realizing national stability. In addition, micro, small, and medium enterprises are one of the main pillars of the national economy which must receive the main opportunities, support, protection, and development as wide as possible as a form of firm alignment with the people's economic business group, without neglecting the role of large businesses and national agencies. State-Owned Enterprises (Hanim, 2018).

Law no. 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in article 3 states that micro and small enterprises aim to grow and develop their businesses in the framework of building a national economy based on a just economic democracy. This means that MSMEs play a role in the development of the national economy by contributing to job creation and employment. According to Bank Indonesia, there are several strategic roles for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), including (Jayanti, 2022): (1) The number of MSMEs is large and there are in every economic sector. (2) Absorb a lot of labor and every investment creates more job opportunities. (3) Have the ability to utilize local raw materials and produce goods and services needed by the wider community at affordable prices

MSMEs are productive business units that stand alone, which are carried out by individuals or business entities in all economic sectors. In principle, the distinction between Micro Enterprises (ME), Small Enterprises (SE), Medium Enterprises (ME), and Large Enterprises (LE) is generally based on the initial asset value (not including land and buildings), average turnover per year, or the number of permanent workers. However, the definition of MSMEs based on these three measurement tools differs by country (Hastuti, 2020).


MSME Regulations

MSMEs refer to the MSME Law No. 20 of 2008, namely Micro Enterprises are productive businesses owned by individuals and or individual business entities that meet the criteria for micro businesses, Small businesses are productive economic businesses that stand alone, carried out by individuals or not owned by entities. business and Medium-sized business is a productive economic business that stands alone and is carried out by individuals or business entities that are not subsidiaries. Meanwhile, the definition of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises according to Bank Indonesia circular letter No. 26/1/UKK May 29 1993, are: (1) Small Businesses are those with maximum total assets of IDR. 600 million, not including occupied land and houses; (2) Medium Enterprises are economic businesses that are developed with the calculation of assets (excluding land and buildings) ranging from 200 million to less than 600 million rupiah with a workforce ranging from 20 people to 99 people (Oktaviana, 2018).

The development of the business world is growing, so it is felt that the provisions regarding small businesses as stipulated in Law Number 9 of 1995 are considered no longer sufficient as a legal basis for small businesses. The President of the Republic of Indonesia signed the issuance of Law Number 20 of 2008 concerning Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). With the entry into force of the 2008 MSME, UUUK 1995 is declared no longer valid (Chasa, 2019).


Types of MSMEs

The types and forms of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are not always the same in every country, in general, they always vary depending on the concept used by that country. In each definition, there are at least two aspects in common, namely the aspect of employment and the aspect of grouping companies in terms of the number of workers absorbed in the group/group of companies, for example, according to the division as follows (Hastuti, 2020):


Business Criteria

Business criteria are divided into three types of businesses, namely small businesses, medium businesses and large businesses. The details can be seen in the following table.

Table 2. Business Criteria in View of the Number of Workers

Type of business

Business Scale

Number of Employees

Small business


Small I � small

1 � 9 workers

Small II - small

10 � 19 workers

Medium Business


Small large

100 � 199 workers

Large - medium

200 � 499 workers

Intermediate � medium

500 � 999 workers

Big � medium

1000 � 1999 workers

Big business

Large - medium

>2000 workers


The Activities

In principle, company activities can be grouped into three types of businesses, namely (Ngatno, 2017): First, trade/distribution. This type of business is a business that is mainly engaged in the activity of moving goods from producers to consumers or from places that have excess inventory to places that are needed. Second, production/industrial business. Is a type of business that is primarily engaged in the process of converting a material/goods into other materials/goods that are different in form or nature and have added value. Third, commercial service business. Is a business engaged in service activities or selling services as its main activity.

It can be seen that MSMEs can encourage middle and lower-class people to be able to increase economic income through MSME activities so that the community can continue to try and continue to develop, especially in reducing the unemployment rate and becoming support for financial system stability.


Catering Business

Catering comes from the English word catering, which means serving the needs of parties. Based on this meaning, usually catering is intended for the provision of food at parties, such as weddings, birthdays, or other celebration parties. That the catering business is the most popular in the culinary field, at every opportunity and moment of an event we often encounter a variety of delicious food served attractively by catering entrepreneurs (Chasha, 2019).

Catering is a type of food service where the place for cooking food is different from the place for serving food. Finished food is transported to another place to be served, for example to a place where a party, meeting, meeting, canteen or industrial cafeteria is held. The food served can be in the form of snacks and can also be a full meal for one or more meals, depending on the customer's request. Caters that serve families usually deliver food using a basket which is better known as a food basket (Sudrajat, 2020).

Catering can also be defined as one of the services in the field of ready-to-eat food delivered directly to the place of ordering at an event. Catering is usually needed for various events such as weddings, seminars, religious events, birthdays, and so on. For these activities, usually, the organizers hire catering services to prepare food according to needs. There are several categories of catering customers, for example, individual customers for weddings, birthdays, family events, and so on. As well as corporate customers such as corporate events, event organizers, wedding organizers, and others (Indani, 2018).

As a business that organizes food, there are two characteristics in catering, namely (Sudrajat, 2020): First, provision of commercial food. Making a profit is the main goal. Catering service businesses that fall into this category are restaurants, canteens, cafeterias, food stalls, catering services for parties, gatherings, banquets, hawker centers, etc. Second, provision of non-commercial food. Not aiming for profit. Catering services businesses that fall into this category are institutional food providers (hospitals, dormitories, orphanages, correctional institutions, etc.).


MSME Marketing Strategy

Business or business is an activity carried out by a person or group of people or companies in the form of services or goods to earn profits (Sudaryono, 2015). Business strategy can be carried out through marketing. Marketing itself is a business activity designed to plan, determine promotional prices, distribute goods that can satisfy desires and reach target markets and company goals. Marketing comes from the word market or can also be interpreted in the traditional context of "where people buy and sell" (Mastuti, 2021).

Business development is a form for the business to develop even better and reach a point or peak towards success. Business development can also be defined as a business in which there are changes for the better, in terms of increasing sales turnover and increasing revenue (Prastiawati & Darma, 2016). Strategy is a tool to achieve a goal. A good understanding of the concept of strategy and other related concepts will determine the success of the strategy drawn up. Thus, one focus of strategy is to decide whether the business should exist or not (Laeliyah, 2017).

The business development strategy is a long-term plan that has been prepared to achieve the company's mission and deal with various obstacles that the company will enter. The strategy owned by the company must be consistent with the company's goals and can be achieved with existing resources, or which are expected to exist, and take into account the opportunities and problems that may exist in the environment. The business development strategy is to select and analyze the market which is a group of people that a company wants to reach and create a suitable business mix that can satisfy the target market. The business world is likened to a battlefield for producers and traders engaged in the same commodity, so it is imperative to create a business development strategy to win this war (Prinadi, 2021).


Catering Marketing Strategy

Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is an interactive marketing system that uses one or more advertising media to generate a measurable response and/or transaction at a location. Many direct marketers consider direct marketing to play a broader role, namely building long-term relationships with consumers. Direct marketing in this case is where the entrepreneur uses direct sales techniques to consumers in the community. In this case, marketing can be done through several stages, namely: (1) meeting consumers directly, in this case, marketing can involve sending offers, announcements, and brochures that are distributed to the surrounding community; (2) take part in certain activities that bring the business to be better known, such as sponsoring an event so that the business can be known by potential customers.


Indirect Marketing

Indirect marketing is a sales method that is carried out using various media that are not directly to buyers or consumers. This marketing strategy focuses more on utilizing aspects that are owned through the form of social media advertisements, public relations, websites, and other online media. It can be seen that business marketing can be done in two ways, namely direct and indirect marketing, then the entrepreneur takes advantage of various opportunities so that the business can grow.


Marketing Strategy Effectiveness

Marketing effectiveness is the extent to which the company achieves the goals that have been agreed upon or previously set. Thus it can be interpreted that if a marketing can be carried out properly as planned or targeted according to the company's goals that have been set then it can be said to be effective in its marketing system (Deyanti, 2016).

The effectiveness approach is used to measure the extent to which an activity can be said to be effective. There are three approaches used for effectiveness, namely (Masruri & Muazansyah, 2017):

Source Approach

The sourcing approach is to measure the effectiveness of the input. This approach emphasizes the success of an organization or institution in obtaining resources, both physical and non-physical, according to the needs of the organization. An institution must be able to obtain a variety of sources as well as maintain a state of the system to be effective.

Process Approach

The process approach is carried out to see how far the effectiveness of program implementation is from all internal process activities or organizational mechanisms. This approach does not observe the environment but rather focuses on the activities carried out by the institution.

Goals Approach

This approach measures effectiveness by focusing on the output aspect, namely by measuring the success of the organization in achieving the planned output. Measure the effectiveness of the target approach begins with identifying the goals of an institution and measuring the level of success in achieving the goals.



The research approach used in this research is qualitative research. The type of research used is field research. This research was conducted on the object of the catering business, namely Pawon Catering, Mrs. Lis, who is located at the Village. Central Kalimantan, Blok. SipuyuRT 07/RW 03, Jln. Batu AmparKec. Tengah Tani, Kab. Cirebon. The data needed by the author to solve the problem that is the subject of discussion in the preparation of this report is data regarding sales data for the last year, gross income, net profit, and so on. Primary data sources were obtained directly from interviews with Pawon Catering entrepreneurs. The secondary data source used in this study is in the form of documents regarding business income in the halal product sector in the form of catering food.

 ���������� Data collection techniques were carried out by observation, interviews, and observation documentation was carried out by direct observation of business development at Pawon catering, to obtain data related to the phenomenon being studied. Furthermore, interviews were used to obtain primary data from direct sources. In this study, the authors used a type of structured research by setting themselves up and preparing questions to be asked to informants or resource persons. Whereas in unstructured interviews, questions can be developed that are adapted to the circumstances of the informants, so that researchers will get more detailed, detailed, and in-depth data. Finally, documentation, in this case, the researcher collects data by examining documents related to the object under study. The instrument used required an interview guide in the form of a list of interview questions attached. To complete the instruments used, namely notebooks, smartphones, and written notes about what was heard, seen, experienced, and thought during the data collection process.

This study uses source triangulation techniques and technical triangulation. In source triangulation, where the authors conducted interviews with different informants, namely entrepreneurs, and employees to support the research. Meanwhile, in technical triangulation, the writer checked the writing results using different data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation so that the degree of confidence in the data could be said to be valid. The steps for the data analysis technique in this study are the analysis, reduction, display, and conclusion stages (Sugiyono, 2017).



Marketing Strategy in Pawon Catering Business

The Pawon Catering Business in Kalitengah village has been established since 2012 and was built by Mrs. Lispriyati and assisted by her family. This halal food business has existed ever since 1997. Previously, it was only a Tegal stall business (warteg) that was sold to the surrounding community. Mrs. Lis' business only provided food and drinks at affordable prices to the people of Kalitengah village. At that time, every resident who wanted to do a special event always ordered catering food outside the area, this was because there was no catering type business in Kalitengah village so Mrs. Lis together with her family took the initiative to do business in the micro, small and medium business category which was then built in in 2012. The results of the interview conveyed by Mrs. Lis, namely as follows:

"This business has been built since 2012 when this business entered the type of small catering business, right when setting up the business we needed permission from the local community and asked for business permits from the local sub-district and sub-district, then this business was officially running"

Based on this opinion, it can be seen that the Pawon Catering business is included in the MSME category with the type of catering as a provider of halal food services to consumers for various things and all groups. Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises have an important role in national development, economic growth, and employment. MSMEs can develop if the business is run is better than before and continues to experience development from time to time. MSMEs are considered economic saviors because MSMEs can play a role in reducing unemployment and can afford a large workforce. In addition, MSMEs also contribute a lot to regional and state revenues.

The Pawon Catering business can run if you do business planning in advance so that the business to be run can run smoothly, many businesses fail because the entrepreneur cannot plan his business carefully so risks arise and have an impact on business continuity. Based on an interview conducted by Mrs. Lis, which stated that planning a business is the most basic and mandatory thing to do, this is explained as follows:

"Basic planning at the beginning of the business was built, we had to recognize consumer needs because the people of Kalitengah village did not have a business in terms of catering-type catering, so this village needed someone who could manage products in the halal food sector to meet the needs at certain events. In addition, the processed product must be by consumer tastes so that consumers will like the product provided�.

Business planning as a basis for consideration so that the business can run is always adjusted depending on the situation and conditions of the business, what Pawon Catering does is that it can adjust the type of business to various things, starting from what is needed by the surrounding community, the products provided, then adjusting various things that are needed can relate to the success of a business such as the business must have a permit which is the principle contained in the business such as whether the business is included in the halal food category, this is very important because the majority of the people of Kalitengah village are Muslims.

A business cannot be separated from capital, because capital is what makes a business run. Capital which is the initial asset before and after the business is carried out is the most important part, there is no business that does not have capital at the start of the business. Mrs. Lis explained that the initial capital for this business was not obtained through loans from banks or cooperatives, but the initial capital was her own, as follows:

�For the initial capital, belongs to itself because the initial capital is not too large, and the capital is obtained from personal savings, approximately in the range of Rp. 6,000,000 while other financial needs that support this business to run have been fulfilled before the catering business began to be built, as well as other business consumptive equipment "

Ms. Lis' business capital management has been adjusted based on her needs, before the business was built this business already had initial assets starting from basic needs such as human resources, place, cooking utensils, vehicles, and business equipment. Then the main capital is for the needs of raw materials, labor salaries, and other costs in the form of electricity & water. Of course, the calculation of capital must be analyzed first to prevent losses that will be incurred if the expenditure is much greater than the income, such as selling prices which are always adjusted to raw materials, profits are also always adjusted to selling prices circulating in the market because if the profits made If the value obtained is too high due to the selling price of the product which is too expensive, consumers will not be interested in buying the product, therefore business capital management is needed to see how far the business can run.

Then the raw materials used in the production process are always adjusted to the conditions that are on the market. Management of raw materials can also determine the selling price of the product so that product profits can be seen and how much is obtained. In this catering business, the party that manages the raw materials is Mas Adi. Raw materials are obtained through the pasararan market which is close to the business area, raw material management is always adjusted to the product to be processed at a certain time, if the raw material has been purchased before the product is cooked it will result in a decrease in taste, this is because the material has been purchased will reduce the quality of ingredients, especially vegetables.

"Considerations for buying ingredients are always adjusted to consumer orders because if we buy ingredients too late for consumer orders, the quality of these ingredients will quickly decrease, especially vegetables, even though the ingredients are put in the refrigerator, the quality will still decrease as the day goes on, therefore the consideration of selecting ingredients will be the main thing that must be ensured in detail, the taste will decrease if the quality of the ingredients is not good�

As stated by Mas Adi where the quality and management of raw materials is the main thing that needs to be considered specifically, the quality of taste and consumer interest depends on this, if consumers like Pawon Catering's products, it will bring business development, because the food business Halal depends on product management, especially on taste.

Then the recording of income and expenses is carried out by the cash book system so that the recording will be more well organized. The recording was done by Mas Adi. The recording is necessary so that income can match expenses, as in Mas Adi's opinion regarding financial records, namely as follows:

"If the financial recording is a continuing obligation in every business there must be a system for recording income and expenses because knowing the amount of expenditure that has been spent and other costs will help determine the selling price of the product, not only that business capital that has been recorded will also help set targets and plans"

The importance of financial records for entrepreneurs aims to see the development of their business and helps to control purchases of things that are not too important or consumptive and can determine the selling price of a product plus determine the taxes to be paid in the business. A business is always related to a marketing system, where the marketing system owned by Pawon Catering can cover various things, namely as follows:

First, planning. in this case, of course, the entrepreneur always prioritizes various actions or steps to be taken when starting a business. This business also requires the right planning component so that the catering business can run well, especially in achieving the desired target. The benefits of self-planning can help & reduce the uncertainty that will occur in the business.

Second, pricing. As stated by Ms. Lis and Mas Adi, prices are always adjusted according to consumer orders & raw materials in circulation, pricing is the main factor in which business success can be seen through profits from sales made. By determining the appropriate price, Pawon Catering can provide mutual benefits for both businesses and consumers.

Third, product distribution. In this case, Pawon Catering has distributed as a product distribution strategy used by consumers, these products are distributed to consumers so that consumer needs are met. The marketing is carried out effectively so that the product can be received by consumers quickly, precisely, and in good condition as desired.

Fourth, quality & quantity. Quality is the good or bad level of a thing or product in a business, Pawon Catering products certainly have good quality such as raw material management, packaging, and even service so that the business becomes well-known and good in the eyes of consumers. While quantity is the unit of product sales, in this case, Pawon Catering can serve more than 100 boxes in one order so quantity is prioritized in terms of marketing.

Fifth, health. useful products are products that fall into the healthy category because healthy food will have a positive impact on those who consume it, cleanliness is the main thing for the business because halal food is a healthy food that is what Pawon Catering implements in running the business.

Sixth, targets. in this case, Pawon Catering has set two business targets, the first is the marketing target by looking at the right prospective customers, product sales will increase. Then the second thing is the sales target where the sales target is always considered every month, the business must not decrease and must get consumers so that these two targets become the main goal of business continuity.

Seventh, risk analysis. Risk analysis is an activity to determine the level of probability that a problem will occur and the level of its impact on achievement or business targets by considering the control activities that have been carried out.

According to the explanation above, it can be seen that the marketing system carried out by Pawon Catering has been carried out in detail and matured so that the business can run well. After the marketing system is well structured, Pawon Catering also conducts a marketing mix to understand which areas to focus on in marketing efforts and determine what products can be offered to consumers and their selling prices, and most importantly how to attract consumers.

The business is run must experience development so that it can bring business actors to experience profits and the business to progress, based on interviews with Mrs. Lis where this business has developed through the marketing strategy that has been implemented, this can be seen through the financial reports in the last three months, namely in October to December 2022 as follows:

Table 3. Pawon Catering Business Income


Month Gross

Net Income


Rp. 9.500.000

Rp. 5.150.000


Rp. 9.800.000

Rp. 5.400.000


Rp. 9.880.000

Rp. 5.500.000

����������� (Source: Pawon Catering's Financial Report in 2022)

From these financial reports it can be seen that Pawon Catering has a stable profit value because this business has a positive impact on the people of Kalitengah Village, apart from the length of time this business has been established, the community is also comfortable with the quality of the products being sold so this is a plus point for Mrs. Lis hopes to gain consumer loyalty, because this business often helps the community in terms of consumption, especially at the Kliwonan event every week, Lampadan events for village clerics, even traditional events owned by the village and other events. This role brings benefits to the community because the halal food business also brings health to those who consume it, the consumers & Pawon Catering will mutually benefit from this.

The Pawon Catering business does not only have the aim of seeking personal profit but there are benefits in this business, especially for the surrounding community. This role is to participate directly in events in the community, as the results of the interview conveyed by Mr. Kosim are as follows:

"For our usual role, we help with activities in the community starting from community service activities, we will also contribute to consumption for the surrounding community, then if there is a routine recitation event, we will usually help prepare consumption food, even events such as the Prophet's birthday will be prepared for the community�

A business must have benefits for the community and its consumers so that the business can become a reference and be imitated by many people. Because the purpose of establishing a business does not only depend on seeking profit alone, but the business must have benefits for various parties. The contribution made by Pawon Catering in terms of village traditions continues to be made to inform that this business has benefits for the community. The tradition that is usually carried out by the people of Kalitengah village is the tradition of routine recitation, Ramadan, and the birthday of the prophet. The community also gave a positive impression of the Pawon Catering business related to contributing to various activities in the village, a survey was conducted of five residents who took care of existing traditional activities, namely as follows:

The interview was conducted with Ustaz Agus.

"Routine recitations are usually held on Tuesdays and Friday evenings. Consumption can be in the form of rice boxes and can be in the form of snacks, even so, this is more than enough because it is very helpful".

Interview with Mrs. Hj. Eba as chairman of the Taklim Council in Kalitengah village.

"Recitations are held in various places and Pawon Catering participates in providing consumption portions to the congregation so that the mothers get the benefits"

Interview with the youth leader of the mosque, Mas Fikri.

"Mrs. Lis cares about us as mosque youth, usually once a week Mrs. Lis contributes as a donor"

Interview with Mrs. Firda who used Pawon's catering services for a wedding.

"During my daughter's wedding, Mrs. Lis was very enthusiastic in helping events in the consumption sector so that this event could run well"

Then interview Mrs. Dewi who used the services of Pawon Catering for a thanksgiving event.

"At that time the thanksgiving event for my child was assisted by Mrs. Lis in the consumption sector so I could save time and energy for the consumption sector"

A good business is a business that can provide benefits to the surrounding community, both from the field of labor to the products that are provided. Entrepreneurs also need a good view of the surrounding community because this view will bring the business forward and will bring maximum results.


Marketing Effectiveness in Pawon Catering Business

The following is an analysis of the effectiveness of the marketing system carried out by Pawon Catering so that the business can run well.

Source Approach

Effectiveness is measured by the source approach through business success, especially in obtaining resources, both physical and non-physical resources. Physical resources such as employees and non-physical resources such as facilities and infrastructure needed. Pawon Catering has two employees where the employees are Mrs. Lis's husband and son who then work together so that the business can run well. Facilities and infrastructure are needed by the entrepreneur to function as support in carrying out various business activities. For this reason, it is necessary to have adequate facilities for business activities both at the processing site and when buying raw materials. In this case, cooking equipment and vehicles are indispensable for their activities because they help product management. The success of product management depends on these two things.

Process Approach

This process approach can describe the level of efficiency and soundness of the business that is being run, in the analysis of the effectiveness of the catering business it can be seen from the financial reporting system that business income must be greater than capital & other costs, so the business can be said to be good.

Target Approach

By focusing attention on the results of activities and measuring the extent to which the level of business success in achieving the planned goals, the catering business can be categorized as effective. Product sales targets must be precise and regular, if consumers do not like the products provided by Pawon Catering, the entrepreneur needs an innovation related to developing their products so that they are more preferred by consumers.

When marketing was carried out, Pawon Catering shared information with the people of Kalitengah village about a catering product in the form of halal food. Previously, Mrs. Lis had built a Tegal stall business which was quite attractive to the community. At the same time, this business is currently still being run by her first child, of course. people still visit the restaurant, this is an opportunity to be able to market catering products through other pre-existing businesses. Mrs. Lis believes that the more people who know, the more interest in catering products will increase, which is in line with the main objective of this business, which is to get profit.

The success of the business depends on consumers, many consumers know about Mrs. Lis's business, so the business can run. Setting good targets must be by market conditions, targets that have been adjusted to the products owned will create differentiation so that the Pawon Catering business can anticipate business competition with other catering businesses in Kalitengah village. This target is aimed at the people of the Kalitengah village & consumers outside the region who are carrying out celebrations such as birthdays, thanksgiving, pulutan, aqiqahan, special traditional events, recitations, birthdays of the Prophet, and weddings. The purpose and objective of catering are to gain profit through catering services that can satisfy consumer needs through the products (services) provided.

Then in the utilization of natural resources in the form of food raw materials, namely as a fulfillment of business needs, these raw materials can be processed into finished materials in the form of halal food products by Pawon Catering and then marketed to consumers. Utilization of these resources is very important for sustainability, this management does not only meet business needs but provides a sizeable contribution to its users. Good management of food resources will increase the welfare of both parties and vice versa, management that is not good will hurt the parties concerned. Businesses can run well if there is a division of task roles according to their fields so that the business can continue. In this case, the application of a process approach is necessary so that the management strategy emphasizes the view of the business cooperation process as an integrated system. Pawon Catering has made adjustments to the performance of its employees, starting from the placement of fields according to their abilities to marketing.

It can be seen based on interviews conducted with Mrs. Lis that the business goals are following the targets, this includes the achievements that occur in a business. The achievement of business results can be passed through evaluation, this aims to analyze the performance of a business venture. The main basic principle of business evaluation is to compare the business plan that was made before the activity started with what has been achieved at the end of the production period. A good business evaluation can have a positive impact on consumers and the market. That way, a business will increase and generate profits because consumers and the market need to increase. The achievements made at Mrs. Lis's catering business are by the initial objectives so that the business is running well because the target approach has been reviewed beforehand and through various considerations, the business target is never wrong in finding its customers. The amount of income in product sales must be in a healthy condition so that the business can continue to develop, this means that the business must always increase and never experience losses, of course, this applies to the Pawon Catering business because losses are the main problem in a business.

The Pawon Catering business is currently in good condition because the business has never experienced a loss when the business was experiencing a decline. The sale was also in good condition, this was conveyed by Mrs. Lis as follows:

"Although this business has not utilized technology well, this business has never experienced a loss when sales decreased"

Because this business has been around for a long time, many consumers have become loyal, especially the local community. The products offered certainly have advantages, especially in the taste section that suits consumer tastes. Such the results of a survey of the local community who are customers, namely Mr. Handi the head of the local RT who usually orders food for various events in Kalitengah Village, as follows:

"Ms. Lis's catering food certainly tastes good, especially because this business has been around for a long time, so it is included in the healthy food category and has been trusted by previous households. Ms. Lis also takes part in various activities such as donating food to the nearest mosque during the event. regular lectures even on Fridays

Then the survey results for Mrs. Sri as a consumer who was ordering Mrs. Lis' catering services for her child's thanksgiving event, are as follows:

"I know this catering business from my acquaintances, then my acquaintances recommended the services of Pawon Catering because it tastes good and the price is right for the product, so I trusted it and used this service"

Then the results of another survey were carried out to Kyai Toni, as follows:

"As for the taste, it's delicious because it belongs to halal food, it's like usual if you use the services of Mrs. Lis at past events, especially because you've been a customer for a long time, so the tastes of the congregation here are by the food"

Based on the results above, it can be seen that the efforts made by Pawon Catering in the production and marketing system are in good and effective condition. Other things, it can be seen that the business has been much liked by consumers and the people of Kalitengah Village.


Business Constraints in the Marketing Process

In a business, of course, there is an obstacle or problem in it that makes business actors have to overcome existing problems so that this does not happen again in the future. Many businesses stop operating and even close because the problems experienced by the entrepreneur cannot be resolved properly, such as in the Pawon Catering business, good planning will keep the business going even though there are risks that occur. Based on interviews conducted with Mrs. Lis where the problems that occurred included several things, namely as follows:

Lack of use of technology

At present, many businesses are accompanied by the use of technology to make the business easier and the use of technology can bring the business even further forward. Pawon Catering does not use existing technology in its operational activities, starting from the marketing side of the business to recording financial reports, so the business cannot experience development. In addition, in terms of technological knowledge, the entrepreneur is still too minimal, so the business is always at the same figure as previous sales. Technology that has not been utilized by Pawon Catering is marketing through social media such as Instagram, Facebook, or other applications that support product sales. The opinion expressed by Mrs. Lis is as follows:

"This business has been around since 2012 where at that time there was no such thing as a sophisticated cellphone like Android, for WhatsApp only it could only be used for communication in 2017 and it was just for communication"

The youngest employee in this business is Mas Adi, but he doesn't understand how to market products through social media other than via WhatsApp, so this causes the business to not develop. Another thing that has not been utilized is the recording of financial reports through the Microsoft application but only writing in ordinary books even Pawon Catering does not have devices such as laptops or computers in its operational activities, but this is understandable because the price is quite expensive so this business only uses devices Smartphones are just for communication media.


Of course, every business has rivals or is often referred to as a competitor. Previously, in Kalitengah village, there was only one catering business, namely the Pawon Catering business. unrivaled. Even though this business has been established for a long time, it will still be difficult to compete, especially if other entrepreneurs have a business strategy that is far better than the Pawon Catering business. It is not only a business strategy that is an obstacle, in product sales also businesses that have different price differences are a consideration for consumers to buy products because consumers prefer products that are cheap even though they have a small price difference. As stated by Mr. Kosim regarding other competitors, namely as follows:

"I've heard that the selling prices of other catering businesses are cheaper and have used marketing strategies through advanced technology so that consumers who have purchased these catering products have moved to lower prices"

Businesses that have a selling point that cheap products are in great demand by consumers, but this is a matter that needs to be considered whether the product is liked by consumers regardless of the price difference where the taste of the product is also an attraction for consumers, even though the difference in the selling price of this business with competitors are different but Pawon Catering prioritizes taste so that consumers will remain interested in buying the product.


The increase in goods or raw materials on the market makes purchasing raw materials quite difficult because if raw materials increase, this will affect the selling value of the product so that consumer buying interest decreases because the price of goods is expensive. Previously it was conveyed by Mas Adi that the price of materials which continues to increase makes the selling price increase. Increased inflation can cause input or raw material prices to rise, decrease operating income, lower consumer purchasing power, and slow down Pawon Catering's economy. Even the worst thing is if the business cannot keep up with the inflation rate, the Pawon Catering business will go bankrupt. Even though there is inflation in the purchase of raw materials, the best way to continue to benefit is to raise the selling price not too high so that consumers will not have any objections to the price of the product.

From this, it has brought the business to experience a decline even though this decline has never brought a loss, this was expressed by Mas Adi as follows:

"This business has experienced a decline but has never experienced a loss until the business stops, during a pandemic we also continue to operate, of course by prioritizing health protocols so that this business can continue, the most problematic thing is when there is an error in production such as having hair in the food, then this will make the business decrease because consumers do not like it

From this negligence, the business will decline, and consumers who complain will bring a bad image to the business in the eyes of the public, so efforts are needed to make product management even better. The product will be considered unhealthy if the processed food contains mold because it is considered unhygienic. However, the problems that consumers report are only problems regarding hair in food, so the only effort that is being made is to replace these products with new products while continuing to maintain cleanliness in food.

The impact of a decline in the business where the decline is of course related to income that is not before, business targets that continue to decline will bring Pawon Catering's economy into trouble, such as not being able to pay employees in the previous month because of a declining business it will be difficult to prepare business capital on orders next. Then the entrepreneur will be burdened with other costs such as electricity, water, shipping costs, and even business taxes so that inevitably this business will reduce the salaries of its employees to cover these costs.

From the problems above, it can be seen that the main problem in this business is that the business has not developed optimally because this business has not implemented a technology system so that the catering business is better known in the wider community, even outside the region. Even though Pawon Catering has attempted various strategies to prevent risks from occurring, risks will continue to come as this business is running, but the risk analysis that has been prepared will be able to minimize problems that will occur in the business so that this business can continue.

In this business, Pawon Catering is carrying out various business developments through technology, these developments can include the use of more developed marketing access assisted by researchers. This marketing is done through Instagram and Facebook media so that this business can be seen by various wider communities, especially followers. The following roles are performed so that this business can develop

use the product introduction pamphlet system.

Figure 1. Marketing Through Instagram Media

This marketing is done through Instagram media, the results obtained through this media on sales are increasing due to the large number of Instagram users so that this marketing brings development to business sales.


Figure 2. Marketing Through Facebook Media

The marketing system through Facebook media has not been able to run optimally because not many potential customers are interested in using Mrs. Lis' services, but the marketing system is still being implemented.

The results of the efforts made in terms of marketing for Mrs. Lis are in good condition. This can be seen through business development where based on Mrs. Lis' opinion, the Pawon Catering business has experienced an increase in consumers from outside the village. This can be seen based on a comparison of the financial statements owned by Pawon Catering. , namely as follows:

Table 4. Pawon Catering�s Financial Report


Total Revenue

Desember 2022

Rp. 9.880.000

Januari 2023

Rp. 11.205.000

(Source: Pawon Catering's Financial Report)

From the data above, it can be seen that since using social media as a marketing system, the Pawon Catering business has increased quite well because the income is in very good condition. Even though the new product marketing system was carried out using social media, at this initial stage it was already in good condition.



Based on the results of the research above, it can be seen that the business marketing strategy carried out by Pawon Catering includes several things, including the following:

Pawon Catering's marketing strategy is carried out using a marketing mix system, namely in the form of internal factors in which there are 1) Business Products, in terms of processed food products are regional specialties. 2) Price, in terms of price where the price is related to the quality provided but is relatively cheap. 3) Location, the location of this business is considered quite strategic. Then external factors include a direct marketing system through direct interaction accompanied by product browsing paper so that the public knows that the Pawon Catering business has a variety of halal food products. Meanwhile, indirect marketing is carried out through a brochure system that is attached to every place that is often passed by villagers so that many people can know about the business. This business does not only have the aim of making a profit but also helping the local community with consumption problems where this business always participates in various activities ranging from community traditions to other events.

Effectiveness of Pawon Catering marketing, this is based on profits and developments that continue to increase effectively and the approach that has been taken in particular brings a wider range of consumers. This business has never experienced a loss and the business is always in a stable condition.

The marketing constraints faced by Pawon Catering are the lack of utilization of technology and tools which are still limited, as well as human resources which are still lacking and there are external constraints in the form of prices and uncertainty in input prices. Then in the business competition where in the village of Kalitengah there is a catering business so that Pawon Catering must compete with other entrepreneurs.



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