of Economic Development and Village Building
Journal of Economic Development and Village Building,
Vol. 1 No. 1 March 2023, P-ISSN : ��.. E-ISSN :
Adiliania,1, R Agus Abikusnaa,2, Abdul Fatakha,3, Abdurokhimb,4
aIAIN Syekh Nurjati
Cirebon, Cirebon City, Indonesia
bPoliteknik Siber Cerdika Internasional, Cirebon City, Indonesia
The purpose of this
research is to find out
and analyze poverty in terms of the Covid-19 Pandemic and in general before the Pandemic hit Rungkang Village, and how to
overcome poverty occurs through the role of
government and the Islamic economy so that it
can eliminate poverty. This type
of research is descriptive qualitative research, and the approach
used in this research is ethnographic
research. The research location taken was in Rungkang Village, Losari District, Brebes
Regency. The implementation time
is from November 2021 to May 2022. The data taken is real data obtained from the field.
Sources of data in this study were obtained from communities affected by the
Covid-19 pandemic in Rungkang
Village, Losari District,
Brebes Regency. Data collection techniques
were carried out using observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique uses interactive Milles and Huberman analysis.
The results of the study show that the Covid-19 Pandemic has had an impact on changing
the behavior of the people
of Rungkang Village where economic
activity has driven an increasing poverty
rates where unemployment has reduced the economy.
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, Islamic economics, poverty.
Manuscript received 2023-02-21; revised 2023-03-06; accepted 2023-03-07; Date of publication 2023-03-08.
Journal of Economic Development and Village Building is licensed under
a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0
International License.
One of the
problems that are always faced by
Indonesian people is poverty, where poverty is a complex
problem so it becomes a top priority that is multi-dimensional.
Poverty is one of the
fundamental problems because
poverty involves meeting the most
basic needs in life. Then
the World Bank (2004) argues
that one of the causes
of poverty is due to
a lack of income and assets
to meet basic
needs. On the side of indicators
of the causes
of poverty that are commonly used by the
government in general, look at the
level of wages, income, consumption, child mortality, average life expectancy,
the proportion of government spending,
and income distribution.
Poverty is related
to limited employment opportunities and is usually
categorized as poor (the poor) do
not have a job (unemployed), and their level of education and health
is generally inadequate. From this, poverty becomes
a benchmark in terms of food shortages,
low-income levels, health levels, and education is
seen as a symptom experienced by the community and
local governments (Ferezagia, 2018).
A problem exists in Rungkang Village where the people
experience a gap or also called a social
problem, namely poverty, where the gap is
created by the unemployment rate, minimum income, failure of the
business being carried out, and
even limited Human
Resources (HR. At the poverty
level found in Rungkang Village, what is
currently happening is the problem of the lack
of income experienced by households, where most people cannot
afford basic needs and complementary
needs so it becomes a problem that requires handling
various things.
From the symptoms
or impacts that occurred in Rungkang Village, it was found
that Covid-19 created prolonged problems both in terms of
the economy, health, and education,
these problems were related to the
poverty experienced by villagers, due
to several limitations caused by the pandemic
making it difficult to carry out
normal activities, apart from there are also complex and
vulnerable problems, especially the lower middle class.
The impact of the pandemic is very
worrying that the household economy of residents has decreased, then the
scarcity of goods that are difficult to obtain due to the cessation of production
of goods both in export and import has made the economic shock worse,
especially in the area around Rungkang Village. Not
only that, the increase in the number of unemployed due to layoffs has made the
poverty rate go up, at the level of health experienced by villagers where the
virus spreads rapidly, it has caused their health to decline, illness, and even
death. Then in the education system which must make it difficult for students
to study due to a lockdown so that there can be no teaching and learning
activities at school, students have difficulty understanding lessons due to the
implementation of online schools, not only students who do not have electronic
devices also have difficulty following learning program.
In tightening the spread of the Covid-19
virus, villagers must accept the consequences of policies that stop various
activities from carrying out various activities outside the home. Things that
have happened as a result of the impact of the pandemic in Rungkang
village can be seen in the following table where the suffering experienced by
the community can be seen from the workers who were laid off, the number of
residents who died due to the Covid-19 virus, businesses that closed or went
out of business, and unemployed residents.
Table 1. Data Report in Rungkang Village
Year |
Laid off workers |
Residents who died due to
the Covid-19 virus |
Businesses that are closed/out of
business |
Unemployed citizens |
2019 |
9 |
7 |
- |
29 |
2020 |
16 |
11 |
3 |
54 |
2021 |
20 |
27 |
9 |
65 |
(Source: Recaptulation of Population Data of Rurkan Hamlet,
Tengah Hamlet, Kedunggandu Hamlet as a whole).
Based on the
data above, it can be seen
that in Rungkang Village, which has 3 hamlets, where the research data shows, the number
of workers who have been
laid off from their jobs
has increased every year due to
the Covid-19 Pandemic, thus increasing the poverty rate
in each hamlet. Then the residents
who died from the Covid
virus at most in 2021 where 27 people were added from 3 hamlets.
Businesses that were closed or went
bankrupt as a result of the PSBB (large-scale social violence) regulations could
be said to
have increased every year, but
at the beginning
of the pandemic
in 2019 no residents' businesses were closed or bankrupt, and
as a result of the PSBB, business actors lost their
regular customers. And the number
of unemployed residents in the 3 hamlets always increases every year.
Coronavirus disease (Covid-19) was recognized when someone was
infected for the first time
in Wuhan City, China at the end of
2019. This virus is a new type of
virus that was not previously found in the human body and is zoonotic,
which means transmission occurs from animals to
humans. The coronavirus causes sufferers to experience difficulty
breathing, high fever, flu, and coughing. After the 2nd war, the coronavirus
or Covid-19 became the most influential
humanitarian disaster socially and economically.
Until now there have been cases
of transmission of Covid-19 which are widespread throughout the world and
cover almost all countries (Djelantik, 2020).
The other impacts
of the pandemic
are very diverse where the various
impacts make it difficult for
people to do various things,
and make poverty affect regional economic conditions From
the economic view, poverty is
not only caused by the nature
of origin but is caused
by external causes in the local
community's life, national politics, and social and
poverty in education. Adam
Smith argues that poverty is caused
by state factors that formulate
labor welfare laws. The state participates in the welfare of its
people. Therefore, a country is categorized
as poor, not only because the people
are unable to meet basic needs
and clothing, but because of
the state's inability to manage
the poverty alleviation budget. There are few welfare
funds for the welfare of
the people and many are used
for other things so it
is a factor in poverty that continues
to increase and is difficult
to eradicate (Hamdani, 2017).
Poverty from the
perspective of Islamic economics is one
of the reasons
for the decline
and destruction of a nation because
an area that is experiencing poverty is unable
to fulfill its needs. Even Islam views poverty as a threat from Satan. Allah says in Surah Al-Baqarah
Verse 268:
ۚ وَاللّٰهُ يَعِدُكُمْ
مَّغْفِرَةً مِّنْهُ
وَفَضْلًا ۗ
وَاسِعٌ عَلِيْمٌ
�Shaytan promises (scares)
you with poverty and orders
you to do
evil (miser); while Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and
bounty. And Allah is Extensive (His gifts) and All-Knowing�
Research that is
considered relevant is research conducted
by Mantovani (2021), entitled The Effect
of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Poverty
Levels in Macassar. The results of this
study indicate that the phenomenon of Covid-19 has had a disruptive social impact on
the value chain business world so that
there are many businesses in various sectors and business
scales that stops operations temporarily or permanently. Economic sector Severely offended such as the tourism and
transportation sectors, followed by trade,
manufacturing, and other sectors. Micro and small
business owners, regional economic growth is declining dramatically,
and sharply increased explosions and missiles in 2020. The similarity of this
research lies in the discussion generally discussing the impact of
the co-19 pandemic together with the
level of collapse. Meanwhile, the difference lies in the use of
qualitative approach methods and current
research uses an Islamic perspective as a reference, while research the second uses general views.
The next research
was conducted by Setyadi & Indriyani, (2021), entitled Impact
of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Increased
Risk Poverty in Indonesia.
The results of the study
are that Pandemic Covid-19 has had an extraordinary
impact on disrupting the activities economy so that it
ultimately affects people's income, where declining income makes the
community's economy to decrease, and
make poverty which higher the
level of income inequality in a country will increase in poverty. The similarities in the research lie
in the phenomenon that occurs, namely
discussing the Covid-19 Pandemic 19 and poverty. Meanwhile, the difference in research lies in the type of
research used and in reviewing the impact of
the pandemic on an ongoing
basis in general, not from an Islamic perspective.
According to research
conducted by Nasution & Muda, (2020) entitled Impact
of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the
Indonesian economy. The research
results show an impact the
Covid-19 pandemic caused
low investor sentiment toward the market
which ultimately leads the market
to tend to
be negative. Strategic steps related to fiscal
and monetary are urgently needed to provide economic
stimulus. As the case progresses with the Covid-19
pandemic, the market is more
volatile in the negative direction. Not only that, the
slow global economy, especially export activities from Indonesia to China also has a significant impact on the economy
of Indonesia. This is based on
a sensitivity analysis explaining that the current slowdown
in the global economy had a
major impact on Indonesia's economic growth. The research equation lies in phenomena related to the
covid-19 pandemic, while the differences in the research are seen in the economy
in general, isn't regarding the perspective
of Islamic economics.
Based on the background of the
problem above, the researcher is interested
in conducting further research regarding the impact of
the Covid-19 pandemic which is related
to the level of poverty in the
Brebes district, especially
Rungkang village and the level of
poverty in an Islamic view, therefore it can be
seen that this research the purpose is
to find out
and analyze poverty in terms of the Covid-19 Pandemic and in general before the Pandemic hit Rungkang Village, and how to
overcome poverty occurs through the role of
government and the Islamic economy so that it
can eliminate poverty.
Covid-19 Pandemic
A pandemic
is an outbreak
that spreads simultaneously everywhere, covering a wide geographical area. A pandemic is an epidemic
that spreads to almost all
countries or continents, usually affecting many people (KBBI, 2022). The
World Health Organization
(WHO) argues that a pandemic is an
epidemic of disease that spreads
over a large area, such as on several continents,
or even around
the world. Widespread disease with an unstable
number of infected people constitutes a pandemic, where an increase
in the disease rate above normal usually occurs, everyone must be
very vigilant, because the disease
spreads unknowingly (Wandra, 2021).
Corona Virus (Corona Virus Disease) is a virus that is dangerous
to the human body, Corona Virus comes from the
Latin "Corona" which
means Crown (crown) or wreath
(round flower arrangement). The Coronavirus has
a very small size which is
shaped like a ball and has a virus particle diameter of around 80 X 160 nanometers. Covid-19
is an acronym
for the English
word �Corona Virus
Disease-2019� (Amalia, 2020).
The Covid-19 pandemic
is an infectious
disease that is the same
as influenza caused by Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndrome Coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2). The main symptoms caused
by Covid-19 are fever, cough, and shortness
of breath. The main source of transmission
of the Coronavirus
is that seven
aerosol droplets spread in the air around a sick person when the patient coughs,
sneezes, and breathes heavily. Aerosols will be
very contagious up to a distance
of 1.5 meters, even when wearing
an aerosol mask it can penetrate
the body through the eyes
(Amalia, 2020).
One of the characteristics of the Covid-19 disease is that
it is easily
transmitted, so it can quickly
infect many people. Common signs and symptoms
of Covid-19 infection include symptoms of acute respiratory
distress such as fever, cough, and
shortness of breath. The average incubation period is 5 � 6 days with
fever, cough, and shortness of
breath. In severe cases, Covid-19 can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death
(Putri, 2020).
Impact of the Covid-19
The most significant impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is the
household sector because it cannot
carry out economic activities and automatically stops for some
time so it
does not get income to support
its family. As a result, people's purchasing power decreases, educational activities decrease, health decreases, so that the
number of poor people increases.
Referring to Regulation of the
Minister of Health No. 9/2020 concerning PSBB
Guidelines in the context of Accelerating
the Handling of Covid-19, this has had an impact on
various sectors, including the aspects
of consumption and people's purchasing
power, this pandemic has caused a reduction in the workforce or even
loss of income
so that it
affects the level of consumption and people's purchasing
power especially those in the category
of informal workers and daily workers
(Istriana, 2020).
The Covid-19 pandemic
has a negative impact on a country's economy. The economic downturn in China caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the
global economy. In Indonesia, the
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, predicted that economic growth
and the worst-case
scenario could reach minus 0.4% (Mulyani, 2021).
The impact
of the Covid
19 pandemic in the country of Indonesia itself has an important
and basic problem in its development efforts. The diversity of views on
poverty shows that poverty is
a multi-dimensional phenomenon.
The World Bank Institute (2020) suggests
four reasons why poverty must
be measured, namely: (1)
So that the
poor continue to be on
the agenda and noticed; (2) Identification
of the poor
and the need
for interventions regarding poverty alleviation; (3)
Monitoring and evaluation of projects
or policy interventions for the poor; (4) Evaluation
of the effectiveness
of government institutions in poverty alleviation (Kurniasih, 2020).
Economics or economics
in much of the economic literature
is said to
have come from the Greek
word Oikos or Oiku and
Nomos which means household rules. In other words, the notion
of the economy
is everything that concerns matters
related to life in the household,
of course, what is meant,
and in its development, the word household does not only refer
to a family consisting of husband,
wife, and children but also
a home. broader household namely the nation's household,
the state, and the world
(Putong, 2015).
Adam Smith argues
that economics is "the science
of wealth or science that
specifically studies the means of
the wealth of a nation by
focusing specifically on the material causes of prosperity,
such as industrial, agricultural and so on (Safri, 2018).
Meanwhile, Ibn Khaldun studied
the economic problems of society
and the state
empirically. He explains the actual economic
phenomena. Whereas Keynesian theory was widely disparaged
in academic circles from the mid-1970s to the mid-1980s. It has staged a strong comeback since then, however.
The main reason seems to be that
Keynesian economics is better able
to explain the economic events
of the 1970s and 1980s than its main intellectual competitor, new classical economics. Keynesian economics is the theory
of total spending in the economy (called
aggregate demand) and its impact
on output and inflation (Ismail, 2012).
Perspective of Islam
Islamic economics
is a branch of knowledge that
aims to realize
human welfare through the allocation and distribution of scarce resources
by Islamic teachings without unduly limiting individual freedom, realizing a sustainable macroeconomic and ecological balance. And as a branch of knowledge that
seeks to view, analyze, and finally
solve economic problems in ways that are by the
principles of Islamic law (Muljawan, 2020).
The Islamic principle
in economic activity is that the
use of economic
resources bestowed by Allah SWT must be utilized as well as possible and as fairly as possible for the
benefit of mankind (Jaelani et al., 2020). The Islamic approach to economic problems
includes the problems faced by Islamic economics, namely the gap between ideal behavior and real behavior. This gap is then
used as an excuse that Islamic economic theories cannot be proven
at an empirical
level by positivist economists (Ibrahim, 2021).
Poverty is a person's
inability to meet their basic
needs. Poverty is divided into
two, namely absolute poverty, namely residents whose income is
below the poverty line and
relative poverty, namely residents with the lowest
income (Afifudin, 2020). Etymologically poor or
poverty is a state of having
no possessions or all deprivation
or very low
income. And there is also
the term absolute poverty which means
the situation of the population
or part of
the population who are only able
to meet the
food, clothing and housing that
is very necessary
to maintain a minimum standard of living.
Whereas poverty in English is called
Poor or poverty
where Povert is the condition
of being poor or locked
of money while poor is
lacking riches or needy. While
needy is Being in want. In general, poverty means a point where
life is not possible in maintaining physical efficiency, namely an economic
condition characterized by the inability
to buy goods
and services that are needed for personal health (Hamdani, 2017).
Poverty Islamic Economic Perspective
Poverty in Islam is a condition
where humans who need gifts
from Allah SWT cannot fulfill their life
needs to worship Allah SWT. Poverty and wealth are a test for Muslims
in the world. Poor and rich
are not the size of someone despicable
or noble. Both poverty and
wealth are trials and tests for
a servant (Iqbal, 2017).
In Arabic poverty is expressed
by the word
Al-Miskin or Al-faqr which means a state
of need. And a faqir is
someone who has very little staple
food. Meanwhile, the word al-poor
means a person who does not have enough
wealth to meet the needs
of himself and those for
whom he is responsible (Hamdani, 2017).
The perspective
of Islamic economics defines poverty into two categories:
the first is poor and
the second is poor. According
to the Imam Syaf'i and Hambali schools of thought,
the fakir is defined as a person who has no income at
all because there are special, syar'i reasons such as old age
and being busy preaching so that they
cannot earn a living (Istriana, 2020).
In Islam various
economic problems have been guaranteed
in optimizing distribution,
namely by determining the procedures for ownership, the procedures for ownership, by supplying
people who are unable to fulfill
their lives with assets that
can intertwine their lives to
achieve balance in meeting their needs
among others. . Thus Islam has solved the problem of hasty distribution. But even though
there is a balance in meeting needs among individuals,
sometimes there is still a large
amount of wealth in the hands
of a few people. Islam forbids and does not abolish
equality between humans in terms of ownership, but
Islam requires the independence of each person from the other in meeting
their needs (Effendi, 2005).
Poverty Impact
One of the effects of
poverty is social inequality where there is
inequality of opportunity for individuals with different social positions or statuses
in society. The presence and competition between modern and traditional markets increasingly emphasize the pressure from
the global market, especially the owners of capital,
which are increasingly pressing the government
and society. In addition, the existence
of minimarkets that reach remote
areas at least illustrates government policies that are not pro-community (Lan, 2019).
Poverty in general is
caused by two factors, namely
internal factors and external factors. Internal factors are caused by the residents
themselves, for example, low levels
of education, low skills, and
culture. Whereas poverty is caused
by external factors, including the low ability
to access economic resources, and caused by
disasters including the corona outbreak
can make a person poor (Nurhidayat, 2020).
Poverty is born
as a result of a development process that does not reach
the target of social improvement. The impact of poverty
on the economy
is very detrimental,
namely: Unemployment, Criminality,
School dropout, Health, and �The next generation is bad (Itang,
2015). The category
of poverty is divided into
several sections, including: Absolute
Relative Poverty, Structural Poverty, Chronic poverty Temporary
poverty (Istriana, 2020).
The countermeasures
carried out by the government
are through the Zakat, Infaq, and Shodaqoh
programs as a transfer of wealth from the
rich to the
poor. The transfer of wealth also means
the transfer of economic resources. This action will
result in certain economic changes (Atabik, 2015).
The role of zakat in poverty alleviation is a necessity, even though the strategy
for implementing it has experienced many obstacles. The role of zakat is
not only limited to poverty alleviation
but also aims to overcome
other social problems. So, the
very prominent role of zakat is
to help other
Muslim communities and unite their hearts
so that they
always hold fast to Islam and
also help with all the
problems that exist in it. If all rich people
in various Islamic countries
want to issue
their zakat proportionally and distribute it fairly and
equitably, then poverty will disappear
(Hannani, 2017).
In the poverty alleviation program, the government has made various efforts
for its people,
such as: �Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH); Jaminan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Jamkesmas); Program Bantuan
Pendidikan, Kebijakan Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM); Education
Assistance Program, Poor Student Assistance Policy (BSM); Program Beras untuk Keluarga Miskin,
(Raskin) (Tulung, 2011).
This type of
research is descriptive qualitative research, with the specification of field research.
Descriptive qualitative research is writing
that aims to describe the
status of phenomena systematically and rationally (logic) (Sugiyono, 2017). Qualitative research
is aimed at understanding social phenomena (Wekke,
2019). The approach used
is ethnographic. Ethnography is a genre of qualitative research, which developed from anthropological methodology. This research investigates
people and culture using human, interpersonal, social, and cultural examinations
in all their complexity. Ethnography is a research approach
that refers to processes and
methods according to the research
conducted and the results (Shagrir, 2017). The research location
taken was in Rungkang Village, Losari District, Brebes Regency. The implementation
time will be from November 2021 to May 2022. The primary data here is real data obtained from the
field. The primary data source in this study was obtained from
communities affected by the co-19 pandemic
in Rungkang Village, Losari
District, Brebes Regency.
Data collection
techniques were carried out by interviewing
observation and documentation. In this research, interviews will be conducted
with communities affected by Covid-19 on poverty from
an Islamic economic perspective in Rungkang Village, Losari District, Brebes
Regency. Researchers here will make direct
observations of the phenomena that
exist in the field of people
affected by Covid-19 to poverty from
an Islamic economic perspective. Documentation is one method
of data collection techniques in the form of notes/photos
and other things that can
be accounted for and becomes
official evidence to provide information
on the implementation
of research on communities affected by Covid-19 on poverty levels
in Rungkang Village, Losari
District, Brebes Regency.
The wettability of
the data in this study used a triangulation technique. The triangulation used is data source
triangulation, where this triangulation directs research so that in collecting
data, it is mandatory to use
a variety of existing data. Triangulation utilizes different types of data sources
to extract similar data. Thus what is obtained
from one source can be
tested when compared with similar
data obtained from other different sources. Data analysis uses the Milles
and Hubberman analysis model. The analysis consists of three
streams of activities that occur simultaneously, namely: data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions/verification. The researcher lists the categories that stand out
according to the research objectives
contained in the data collected from the data (observations, interviews, documents, and audio and video recordings). The list of categories is
a specific behavioral phenomenon of a certain cultural group or certain
ethnicity according to the research
theme being studied. Next, the researcher labels the categories
or phenomena that appear and
occur in the case study targets being studied. Finally, based on the lists
of categories that have been
collected, the salient points are concluded, so the
researcher draws conclusions from the research results.
The Impact of Poverty Based
on General Views & Covid-19
The thing that
underlies poverty in Rungkang Village can be known
by the factors
that become a problem so that poverty always
there and increasing, the increasing poverty then the
decline in the level of productivity of the people's
prosperity. The
factor causing poverty in Rungkang Village is based
on speed high
population growth, the number of
people who do not obtain
adequate education or knowledge so
that minimal
public knowledge makes economic growth be
low, the number of people
can also affect the
field is limited, therefore the factory, home
industry, retail
stores, companies either from the
state such as civil servants, teachers
(education), village officials, as well as from the private
sector western
union (WU), and so on from those
things make work
is small. Then on the
distribution of income Unequal
society causes inequality according
to the opinion
expressed by Mr. Mohammad Mukhsit as Village
Secretary where the opinion is
�The inequality situation
in Rungkang Village can be seen
in terms of Social
inequality includes the economic community
that relationship between the
rich and the less fortunate social
restrictions exist. And covers the
cultural aspect, in this
is an unbalanced
situation in society because of this cultural
growth that develops quickly, moderately, and slowly like
not many people can operate/use computerization so that development technology in Rungkang Village
is slower�
The problem in the distribution of income unequal
apart from social inequality is resource ownership power
in limiting the poverty line in Rungkang Village. There is also
poverty of a cultural type which
occurs as a result of attitudes as well as the
habits of the villagers who
are generally relative so they don't
want to improve
their standard of living in the
best possible way. Habits that
are often owned by the community
are mentioned by Mr. Mukhsit
habits and often experienced by citizens,
namely being lazy, less creative,
consumptive, and always depending on one thing�
From this, it
can be seen
that poverty can also be caused
by one's attitude so it
can decrease solutions
for poverty alleviation. Poverty in Rungkang Village can
last a long time, where poverty has existed since the
Village Rungkang
stands and always increases and decreases every
time of
the year. And until now poverty
still exists in Rungkang Village.
Based on the interview obtained from Mr. Mukhsit where
there are limitations regarding capital to start business
and capital is still a frequent
obstacle in faced
by business actors, especially in Rungkang Village. these conditions which causes until now efforts not been made can
run optimally, so it requires
the existence Financial institutions as supporting public capital both from banking
and non-banking. Capital is still very
much needed by
business actors, especially residents of Rungkang Village
as a solution for
financing business activities.
�The most common limitations for
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) are lacking capital that must be
spent to build a business, Usually, the residents of Rungkang
Village mostly borrow from the Institute nearest banking or non-bank such as
small micro business cooperatives and medium (KUMKM)�
The general description
of the majority
of people in Rungkang Village Its
inhabitants earn a living as agricultural producers. But not all of
its inhabitants own agricultural land but only work
if the land
owner invites them to plant
or harvest.
From farming, they meet their daily
needs to
send their children to school.
They strive to work
for the survival
and well-being of life families,
society also gets wages from
their work. There are who
open their business land, work under
the rules of others, and
become an opener of business
opportunities for people who need
a job.
"One-third of the entire
Rungkang Village community income
as farmers and farm laborers, because basically agricultural land in this
area is still fairly wide, and
a lot also, people who
own paddy fields in other villages not only in Rungkang
Village land and some others
work as employees in factories or
home industries, retail stores, and not least also
residents of Rungkang Village who migrate to
look for or create
Poverty in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Poverty based on the results of
interviews with Mr. Nurrohim as village treasurer regarding
the poverty that occurred in Rungkang Village at the
time after the Covid-19 pandemic where it was said that
"During the Covid 19 pandemic,
poverty became worse than before because there were restrictions on community
activities so all community activities are hampered, not only that at the clock
the operation of each shop is limited from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m
night only or 10 pm at the latest�
During post-Covid 19 there are many
people who difficulties in the economy, where the problems are related to jobs
such as businesses carried out by the community of business actors exist those
who have been closed for a long time even experienced bankruptcy, this is a
problem of the economic sector in small micro medium businesses. Not only that,
the number of workers those who were laid off caused the community to
experience an economic decline in a large way so that its relation to poverty becomes
a thing troubled by the loss of their job. During the Covid 19 pandemic, there
were lots of people who loss of household income, which is related to loss of
jobs as the main supplier of income so needs become unmet. Then from it create
the household economy is declining where according to Mr
�The decline in the household
economy during the pandemic due to social restrictions, so many immigrants are
repatriated and have to stay at home without any income, and laborers in Many
factories have been affected by Covid and have been laid off because of this
reduced factory income/income how to reduce the crowd is to reduce staff, so
with forced to lay off their employees�.
The conditions of the Covid pandemic
that never got better gave a very large impact on the Indonesian economic
sector, an impact what is very felt and easy to see is the weakening household
consumption or weakening public purchasing power broadly, until now people are
experiencing a decrease in their purchasing power significant. Implementation
of community activity restrictions. Continued in 2021 with various tightening
rules which hinders the community to carry out activities the economy.
Tightening in various sectors of the enforcement rules restrictions on economic
activity (PPKM) have an impact on ups and downs of the economic sector. Another
impact is caused by the weakening of the regional economy as well as in Rungkang Village caused
decrease in tax revenues, delays in
economic growth be a challenge for the government and Rungkang
Village apparatus in during a pandemic.
Other impacts on the economic sector
are quite significant namely the use of information and communication
technology. The Covid19 pandemic has pushed everyone to no longer carry out
their daily activities crowds, limiting gatherings is a trigger for the need
innovation by utilizing technology, information technology and communication
becomes a bridge for all parties to continue to get survive in various
situations and conditions.
"Restrictions in force in Rungkang Village to break the chain of transmission of the Covid-19
pandemic is the restriction that is in place by the government itself, starting
from large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) was then replaced with the term
imposition of restrictions micro community activities (PPKM), then continued
with PPKM emergency, which has a meaning and rules that are not far away
In order to support government
programs regarding imposition of restrictions on micro-scale community
activities. In order to break the chain of distribution of Covid-19, the Rungkang Village post team in collaboration with the
Village Health Institution from the Village Health Center Rungkang,
to carry out the PPKM scale implementation steps micro in Rungkang
Village by forming micro-scale PPKM posts in the Rungkang
Village area which is located at the Rungkang Village
hall, This command post has the function of coordinating, controlling,
monitoring, evaluating, and executing the handling of Covid-19 at the Village
level Frame. Regarding the issue of exports and imports operating during Covid-19
took place in Rungkang Village, Mr
Nurrohim follows.
"The suspension of exports and
imports is only for other products products for daily
needs only, for fixed basic needs operating as usual"
The spread of the corona virus
spreads through physical contact between humans directly, indirectly (through
objects or surfaces). contaminated), or close contact with an infected person
through oral and nasal secretions. Secretions such as saliva, inhalation, or
splash secretions. These secretions are removed from the mouth or nose for
example When an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks, or sing. People who are
in close proximity (1 meter) to infected people can also catch the Covid-19
virus. Export activity and imports become part of the activities that require
it physical contact between buyers and sellers through shipping expeditions
goods from one place to another, to minimize the spread of Covid-19 in Rungkang Village, export and import activities very
limited, which is only for basic needs at the time PKM is underway. The poverty
rate in Rungkang Village has certainly increased over
time the pandemic took place, various things or efforts made by local village
government so that poverty can be overcome, but still However, various problems
still arise that affect society Rungkang Village
experienced a very detrimental economic crisis thereby reducing the income
level of residents. Covid-19 not only impact on public health, but also affect
economic conditions, education, and social life of the community Indonesia,
especially in Rungkang Village, has also been
affected Covid-19, the government has increased the number of people infected
with Covid-19.
Implementing Large-Scale Social
Restrictions policies which hampered community activities, incl economic,
educational, and other social activities. Decline These various activities have
an impact on socioeconomic conditions Indonesian people, especially vulnerable
and underprivileged people. Therefore, the government, both at the central and
regional levels, issued various policies to contain the spread Covid-19 and
issuing various policies. Implementation this policy needs to be monitored and
evaluated to find out its effectiveness. These government policies as well as
an increasingly precarious situation, of course, has an impact on society, both
the lower middle class and the elite. Various economic problems emerged and the
impact was immediately felt by society.
From Mr. Mohammad Muksit's explanation regarding the amount the people
affected by the Covid-19 pandemic have entered Indonesia since in 2019, and
started entering Rungkang Village at the end of 2019
and the last 3 years, in 2019 to 2021 the number rising. Communities affected
by Covid-19 from the start people who died were recorded 9 in the 1st year, 16
in the 2nd year, and 20 in the 3rd year. There were 7 people who were laid off
in year 1, 11 in year 2 and 27 in year 3. Businesses that went out of business
were recorded 3 in the 2nd year, and 9 in the 3rd year. Finally the number of
villagers there were 29 unemployed in year 1, 54 in year 2, and in the 3rd
Judging by the condition of the
people of Rungkang Village from the public facilities
owned by the village, it is said that the facilities are quite good in the
health sector, namely the existence of auxiliary health centers. In the
economic sector in Rungkang Village is not yet a
public market agency, so community in meeting the necessities of life such as
clothing, and buy household appliances have to go outside the village or the
market The closest one is the Ciledug market on the
provincial border between Central Java with West Java the results of an
interview with Mr. Mohammad Mukhsit as village
secretary, education facility in Rungkang village
actually it can be said that it is complete for 9 years of compulsory education
in marked by the existence of a secondary school after elementary school,
namely one MTS, other basic education facilities, namely the existence of 1
PAUD, 2 Kindergartens fruit, SD 3 fruit and MI 1 fruit. Production area of
Rungkang Village his farm produces
productive rice with twice the mass rice planting season and one planting
period after rice, namely beans or soybeans. Only a few farmers grow onions red
or planting vegetables such as red chilies, tomatoes and mustard greens. Social
inequality has occurred in the Rungkang village
community thus making changes to the harmony of citizens where there are able
and disadvantaged groups.
The economic growth that occurred in
Rungkang Village experienced increase and decrease in
living standards, where many people can afford which provides a variety of
businesses followed by cooperation the poor as managers so that there is
cooperation and ladders can occur. The village head also made an effort various
things so that the preservation of nature is maintained and not damaged due to
conditions of society that are less stable to create an environment harmony for
the people of Rungkang Village. Cooperation has a
variety of benefits but not always comprehensive can occur, because not many
people want to implement the gotong system work together for the welfare of
Poverty Alleviation
Handling From the Government and
From Rungkang Village
Low economic growth and
implementation of social restrictions and mobility in various regions as a
result of the Covid-19 pandemic, not only has the potential to result in loss
of employment in large numbers, vulnerable/lower middle-class society generally,
work in the informal sector and many are highly dependent on aid provided by
the government. Spread coronavirus to villages cannot be prevented through
restrictions mobility of people from cities to villages, an increase in the
number of Covid-19 cases in village areas cannot be avoided. From the
presentation given by Mr. Nurrohim
"The policies that are being
implemented for overcoming poverty in this village, namely by distributing
assistance such as direct village cash assistance (BLT-DD), assistance (Bansos), public health insurance (JAMKESMAS), rice Raskin, and usually from schools also distribute aid namely
poor student assistance (BSM), and other assistance�
To overcome poverty, the village's
policy is for that is by updating population data to determine target
recipients Family Hope Program (PKH) so that beneficiaries enter eligibility
conditions for assistance budgeted by the government during the pandemic with a
total budget of 10 million families with allocations budget of IDR 37.4
trillion or 3.7 million per year. In Rungkang Village
11 families received family program funding assistance expectations (PKH),
according to researchers the recipients of these funds have
classified as eligible for financial assistance.
One of the big problems faced by
every village today is the relatively high poverty rate as well as in Rungkang Village, both structural poverty and cultural
poverty. For to overcome this, the strategy adopted by the Village is: maximize
village funds for activities directly related to poverty reduction targets, for
example, the construction of facilities production, distribution channels,
community empowerment, and the like. So far, many villages have used village
funds to build infrastructure that is not significantly related to the
alleviation poverty. Likewise with community empowerment, get very small
portions. Human empowerment involve the community in
cash or cash-intensive work employing people who are less able and have
difficulty in economic sector into infrastructure developments village.
Handling Poverty in the Perspective
of Islamic Economics
Islam does not only come as a
religion but deals with human life in various aspects of life, which means
Islam not only has faith but also includes the political system, society,
culture, and economy that is shown for all human beings. Islam in complete with
systems and economic concepts that aim to guide humans in carrying out economic
activities. In economic everyday life is a container to fulfill human financial
needs both in groups and individuals. In Islam, it is taught to practice
Islamic teachings in an effective way kaffah/ comprehensive
and complete in all aspects of life.
The attitude of life that should be
lived for the good of oneself taking into account the recommendations for work,
in the Al-Quran, several verses explain that the earth and the sky and
everything in it with the various facilities is a very abundant fortune so that
can prosper mankind. However, sustenance does not come
without there is effort, hard work, and effort. Hence the Koran mentioned that
Muslims must play an active role in fulfilling their life needs. Prohibition of
begging and begging. In Islam begging and begging can be degrading and
honorable as a human being, but in urgent circumstances
and an emergency, begging is permissible but only to
rulers. A frugal and simple life is also wrong an attitude that should be
followed in the Qur'an is explained that what can free oneself from poverty is
life thrifty and simple, and far from extravagant nature. If we become people those
who are wasteful are the same as friends of the devil.
The order to pay zakat for Muslims
is obligatory, in Rungkang village does not have an
institution that has been officially established Zakat, Infaq,
and Shodaqoh (ZIS), but every year in certain times
such as when collecting zakat fitrah, Muharram and good days to share are
usually Motivators who are usually young mosques organize Rumah
Zakat and coordinating for people who will pay zakat, and on certain days
that are good to share like the day of the year new Muharram or in the month of
Muharram to share alms to orphans. Data on residents who pay zakat mal in the
year since its existence the Covid-19 pandemic has risen to help people who
impacted by Covid and underprivileged and included in the criteria zakat
recipients that have been regulated in the Qur'an. Rungkang
village with a population of 9,111 people each every
year there is a distribution of zakat from the people belonging to it able and
distributed to the less fortunate and meet the criteria of zakat recipients. In
2019 3,443 people paid zakat assets, in 2020 there were 3,978 people, and in
2021 there were 4,456 people (Source: Amil Zakat Board of Rungkang
Village, Mr. Sholehudin).
Based on what
has been described by the author
above, it can be conclude
that the economy
in Rungkang Village, where the average
population works in the
agricultural sector,
informal sector, and industrial sector, Rungkang Village is
a village that is classified as an average income
from agriculture Most
of the land
in Rungkang Village is paddy fields
and plantations,
the great potential that Rungkang Village has is in agriculture.
However, the management of agricultural
and plantation products not
managed as well as possible the results
are only to enrich Some
people only.
The Covid-19 pandemic
has had an impact on changes in behavior
and economic
activity has driven an increase in numbers and figures poverty,
both nationally, in rural-urban areas, as well as islands-provinces. The decrease in revenue occurred as a result of the
increase unemployment
and reduced opportunities for work and business especially
in Rungkang Village where the average
population works in the sector agriculture,
the informal sector, and the industrial
sector caused an impact the
pandemic felt by the people
of Rungkang Village. poverty What
happened in Rungkang Village caused several impacts affect
the survival of the community
in arising from the
imposition of restrictions on community activities that make all
activities that require meeting and direct physical
contact with
other living, things must be
disturbed because of the spread
of the virus
through direct physical
contact between living things.
To overcome
the problem of poverty in Rungkang Village by di holding
cash-intensive work to employ people
who affected
by Covid-19 in the construction of village facilities and infrastructure distribute
government assistance as well as possible so that receive
it right on target for people
who need it, and disbursing
direct village cash assistance funds (BLT-DD) for lonely
elderly people. Usually, there is a zakat mall too distribute it from
villagers who are indeed able to
distribute it to the lower middle-class
society aims to clean up assets
that have been obtained, but it is
not regulated in the regulations In
villages, giving zakat malls is usually
based on the self-awareness of each individual.
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